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WVTA Buyers Guide


Uber Technologies Inc. has an alibi for Alphabet Inc.'s allegations of trade-secrets theft - the ride-hailing company's driverless car technology is completely different from its rival's designs.

If 2016 taught us anything, it's that there's more than one way to win at The Logistics Game. Making smart acquisitions is one way. Carving out niches in e-commerce or the "Uberization" of logistics are two others. The 2017 Top 50 Logistics Companies rankings reflect these changes. Watch the replay of our LiveOnWeb program right now for a discussion of the rankings, and "postgame" analysis.

A portion of Interstate 85 collapsed in Atlanta March 30 due to a fire under the bridge, the city's fire and rescue agency said.

Here's what you need to know about how the I-85 closure will affect road travel around Atlanta.

Alabama doesn't discriminate against railroads by requiring them to pay a 4% diesel fuel sales tax while their competitors - trucking and barge companies - are exempt, a federal judge ruled this week.

WVTA Members Receive a 2.7% discount
West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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