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WVTA Buyers Guide


Chester Stranczek, founder of Cresco Lines and a former chairman of American Trucking Associations, died Sept. 5. He was 85.

Private-equity investment firm Wind Point Partners said its Dicom Transportation Group, a business-to-business expedited transportation service based in Montreal, acquired Eastern Connection, a regional overnight parcel business that operates in the northeastern United States.

Ryder challenged a team of its technicians to repair a tractor that had run over a spike strip, drove through an exploding debris field and was hit with a 2-ton wrecking ball as part of its "Project Rebirth."

World and U.S. markets for crude oil and refined petroleum will continue to favor buyers in the short term, by a little more than recently expected, the U.S. Department of Energy predicted in a Sept. 9 report.

Freight-tracking provider MacroPoint said it has enhanced its integration with TMW Systems' TMWSuite transportation management software to provide freight brokers, shippers and third-party logistics firms with greater visibility into load location.

WVTA Members Receive a 2.7% discount
West Virginia Trucking Association members receive a 2.7% discount

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