Press Archive
- State Driving Champions & Safety Award Winners
- Heavy Vehicle use Tax Return Form 2290 E-Filing Solutions for Truckers from WVTA
- WV Trucking Association Recognizes Drivers During 2020 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Sept. 13-19
- A Thank You from UPS Public Affairs
- National Truck Driving Championship Cancelled
- 2019 WV Truck Driving Championship Winners
- I-81 Fuels Tax Increases Start July 1st!
- 2 Million Mile Safe Driver - James (Danny) Roberts
- Traci Nelson: Trucking industry needs the DRIVE Safe Act
- Two Million Mile Safe Driver - Jeff Smith
- WV Trucking Association Announces State Driving Champions & Safety Award Winners
- America’s Big Game Delivered By Trucks
- The West Virginia Transporter 2017
- WV OMEGA Appoints Daniel Hall Director of Government Affairs & Membership Development Coordinator
- WV OMEGA Appoints Traci Nelson President
- West Virginia Truck Drivers Gearing up for Industry's Top Prize ATA Welcomes State Champs to Orlando for National Truck Driving Championships
- WVTA Offers Safe Driving Tips for Upcoming Holiday Weekend
- WV Trucking Professionals to Test Skills In Driving Competition at the Winjean Trucking Company in Buckhannon, WV
- Highs and Lows: Trump's love of trucks
- WVTA Buyers’ Guide
- WVTA Year End Review 2016
- ATA's Holiday Safe Driving Tips
- ATA Thanks Congress for Advancing a Permanent Hours-of-Service Fix Bipartisan Effort Will Improve Industry's Safety and Efficiency
- WVTA Announces Designation of Exclusive Publisher and Advertising Sales Agent for WVTA Buyers' Guide
- West Virginia Trucking Association Recognizes National “Operation Safe Driver Week” Oct. 16-22
- Driver-Focused Inspection Blitz October 16th - 22nd
- Health Groups Sue FDA Over Cigarette Warning Labels
- WVU Researchers Present Tepid Economic Outlook
- ATA President Outlines Vision for Trucking, Federation Spear Calls for Unity and Strength in Annual State of the Industry Address
- WV Trucking Association Elects New Officers
- Gov. Tomblin Honors State Trucking Industry
- Truck Driver Appreciation Week
- National Roadside Truck Brake Enforcement Blitz September 11th - 17th
- WV Trucking Association, American Trucking Association Launch Driving Safety Video in Advance of Labor Day Holiday
Congratulations to XPO Logistics Driver, Jeff Smith. Jeff has driven two million accident-free miles! Jeff represents the best of the best in the trucking industry in West Virginia! We hope you have two million more!

Thomas, who has been a professional truck driver for 13 years, took the top honor after competing in a variety of skill and safety tests. He has competed in two WV Truck Driving Championships, earning "Rookie of the Year" in 2017.
Traci Nelson, President of the West Virginia Trucking Association, said, "The purpose of the Truck Driving Championship is to give trucking professionals the opportunity to test their driving and safety skills against their West Virginia peers. The competition mirrors what professional truck drivers must do day-in and day-out to maintain safety records unmatched by any other segment of the driving public."
The West Virginia Oil Marketers & Grocers Association (OMEGA), the trade association which represents the state’s convenience stores, independent grocers and petroleum marketers, has appointed Daniel Hall Director of Government Affairs & Membership Development Coordinator, representatives announced.
“Daniel’s legislative experience, knowledge of our issues and passion for the industries OMEGA represents make him the perfect choice to lead both our government affairs program and membership development initiative,” said Traci Nelson, president of OMEGA.